How Can Church Building Ministry Help Your Evangelical Church?

We bring the experience needed to help your church locate or expand its home by assisting with:

Donated facilities. We help acquire ideal facilities at no cost. We partner with you to locate a facility in your target area and match your church with an interested donor.

Alternative ownership. If we can’t find a donor, we turn to our network of people equipped and interested in making eternal investments. We focus on creating alternative forms of property ownership requiring no financing or mortgage.

Mortgage acquisition and restructuring. With an extensive network in the church lending market, we can help your church obtain or restructure mortgages on favorable terms.

Construction budgets and schedules. Our team can provide the experience needed to help your church develop and manage a construction budget and schedule

Capital campaign. A successful building campaign is vital to the momentum of a growing church. We provide needed insight and experience for your church to design, set appropriate goals, and monitor your campaign.

If you’d like to know more about the many ways your church can benefit from Church Building Ministry, please fill out the form on the Contact Us page.